What is the Adventure Trip Aid Fund?


Sometimes, we all need a little bit of encouragement.

And sometimes, that encouragement can come in the way of a helping hand.

When I first dreamed up hosting accessible adventure trips, I knew that even though I would try to keep the costs as minimal as possible, it still was going to be financially out of reach for some people.

Once I saw that the adventure trips were going to be sustainable on my end, I knew the next step was going to be creating a fund that could help cover the costs for those who wanted to attend but just couldn’t swing it.

The concept is simple: we are crowd-funding as a way to support women (and men) taking up space and doing hard things on these adventures. Donations of all sizes are appreciated, and the application process is simple.

There is, and never will be, any shame attached to applying for these funds. The fund exists for one reason: to allow us all to take up space and build community.

Maybe a trip isn’t right for you, but you really want to help encourage others to do hard, scary things and live their life to the fullest. Maybe you’ve been on at trip and can see just how life-changing it was for you.

Whatever the reason, your donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering a contribution.