I know how hard it is to balance the unpredictability that is life with kids and the pressure to be the perfect mom just to be exhausted by it all.

I know what it’s like to realize that you’ve been putting yourself last for so long that you don’t even remember what *your* favourite food or hobby or activity is anymore.

To be in a larger body and constantly told that you needed to shrink. To take up less space. To be more perfect.

Surrounded by diet talk and restriction and constantly not being good enough. Told by doctors that your body was going to kill you someday.

To not feel comfortable or welcome or supported in the body you’re in. Unsure of how to reconcile your body’s knowledge and wisdom with the new “perfect” diets or foods.

I’ve been there. I found my way out.


my story

I had just given birth to my daughter...my sixth child.  Less than two years prior, I’d given birth to my first daughter a week before we brought our adopted son home from Hong Kong. 

Yes, we fell into that “started an adoption and ended up getting pregnant at the same time” demographic! It was an amazing experience, but bringing home 3 young children (one of whom had special needs) in such a short time period did not do any wonders for my health. 

Did I mention that I’m married to a busy OB/GYN who was working upwards of 80 hrs a week at the time, too?

And that I had three older children at home before any of this happened?

Yeah, I wasn’t treating my body very well.  Life had gotten the best of me, and I ended up very, very sick. Incredibly sick, actually.

I found myself with influenza that morphed into pneumonia as I tried to “push through” and it then morphed into sepsis.  
I was hospitalized with a 40% mortality rate.  

Yep, I had a 40% chance of DYING and not making it back home to my cute little 6 month old and her 5 older siblings.

Something had to change. My doctors told me that it had to be my weight. Completely ignorant about the science, having never heard of anti-fat bias, I took their advice as gospel truth.

I reached out to a friend who we’d met during our adoption process.  She, too, had adopted from Hong Kong. I knew that she had been through the chaos that I was living, come out the other side, and was now working as a nutrition coach. 

At the time, I thought that phone call saved my life, because it led to weight loss (in the short term). Now, I know better: that phone call saved my life, NOT because of the weight loss, but because it started the process of rebuilding my relationship to my body, with food, with exercise, and most importantly….with my inner self.

I’ve been there. I’ve survived. I’ve reclaimed my health and lifestyle...and I want to be there to help you do the same.

I know what it’s like to feel like life is spiraling out of control.  I know what it feels like to be sitting and watching your kids play and realize that you no longer *want* to join them - it’s not just that you physically can’t do it, you don’t even have the desire to try. Diet culture has beaten it out of you: years and years of being told that your body is going to kill you some day has left you with no desire to fight for that life. If you’re just going to die anyway, what’s the point?

I still am married to a great guy who works a crazy schedule.  He’s gone for one ten days of the month...every month. I still have 6 kids, one with special needs.  I homeschool them. We travel a lot for their sports competitions (even internationally). 

I know how hard it is to balance the unpredictability that is life with kids and the pressure to be the perfect mom just to be exhausted by it all.

I know what it’s like to realize that you’ve been putting yourself last for so long that you don’t even remember what *your* favourite food or hobby or activity is anymore.

I know what it is like to feel like you can’t trust the nutrition advice and you can’t trust your body - to feel like there’s really nothing in this world that you CAN trust.

I’ve been there. I found my way out. I know what my favourite food is now (curry). I know what my favourite hobby (reading). I know what my favourite activity (hiking).

I want you to find yourself again, and fall in love with the beautiful person who is hiding inside of you in your right-now body.

Some of my most favorite times are watching my clients start to remember what it is they love about themselves, and reclaim those parts of their lives. Text messages from moms who are finding out that they love hiking with their kids, or who feel comfortable in their bathing suits while at the beach with the family are why I do what I do now.

I am committed to helping you become the best version of yourself and THRIVE in your daily life.

If you’re a busy mom or dad - I’m the coach for you. Balancing taking care of your family with taking care of your own health is hard, and sometimes we need a helping hand. Add in the trauma from living in a world that is unwelcome to larger bodies, and it’s too much to balance alone.

I’m here to reach down and help pull you out of the trenches.

I was at the end of my rope from not getting any answers from doctors and nothing helping with the other coaches I have worked with. This gal Heidi has changed my life!!
— Lydia H, Nutrition Coaching Client
I thought all I needed was to lose weight and I did lose weight. What I didn’t expect was to gain a knowledge of my body and what it needs.
— Amy P, Nutrition Coaching Client