Stop Starting Over. Make Lasting Change!

Coaching options to fit your lifestyle and budget


I’m proud of you!

You’re reading this page because you’re ready to make positive, lasting change. You’re ready to truly thrive, and I’m here to help you along the way as I have for many satisfied clients!

I firmly believe that health is for everyone. Busy schedules, finances, and what phase of life you’re in shouldn’t have to be barriers to you thriving now. That is why I offer the following levels of coaching to accommodate varying budgets and schedules and provide free content in my Facebook group and to my weekly newsletter subscribers.

My life has improved with her guidance. I move everyday, eat good food and I’ve learned that putting myself and my health first aligns everything else that matters to me.
— Amy P, Nutrition Coaching Client

Coaching Services Designed to Meet Your Needs

I offer various coaching formats to accommodate your needs and provide an individualized coaching experience that is as unique as you are.


Private Community


A perfect way to get your feet wet or a great option if you feel you’re too busy to fit in one-on-one coaching or are on a tight budget, this option includes:

  • Exclusive content to help you on your health journey.

  • Workshops on topics that are common challenges for clients. Gain valuable insight and practical advice on topics such as emotional eating, tracking your food, macros, eating well on the go, and improving sleep! Workshops are live so that you can ask questions, and then you’ll have a week to access the replay of the workshops after they end.

  • Group coaching calls with clients from all tiers of my coaching. These calls are your chance to ask me anything, get help understanding a concept or applying it to your life, find camaraderie with other clients, and troubleshoot challenges you may be facing or expecting.

  • Book Club meetings to read and discuss books that are relevant to your journey, with like-minded people.

  • Journal prompts with thought-provoking questions for your reflection to aid you on your wellness journey.

  • Meal prep guides to help you eat well, even with limited time and budget. Menus include diverse, flavorful meals.

For me, it’s not only the amazing advice, information and resources she provides, but also the emotional support, positive outlook and so many words of encouragement.
— Lisa J. on what she loves about the private coaching community

ProCoach: Individualized Online Coaching Program


Ready to dive deeper into improving your health but prefer to independently access resources on your own time? This individualized, computer-based coaching program provides flexibility, accountability, and guidance. You’ll have:

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  • A habit-building goal tracker. We’ll update your goals as you go to keep you progressing and building sustainable habits.

  • Access to resource articles, videos, and other learning resources that I will hand-pick for you as you progress based on your current goals and needs.

  • The tools and guidance you need to recognize and track your progress and problem solve challenges that arise.

  • Support and accountability during check-ins with me through the ProCoach portal every two weeks. These aren’t at a set time, so you can check in at whatever time best fits your schedule!

  • Continuous support at your fingertips. You can message me in the portal with questions at any time!

ProCoach has been such a good program to work with. The ease of use and understanding of how to navigate through the program has also been very nice. The information is well researched and has been very helpful in making choices on my journey.

With the help of Coach Heidi and the team at ProCoach, I have learned so much, and... my whole routine has been forever changed in a GOOD way. Coach Heidi has also been such a positive inspiration not only to me but my wife also.
— Josh W.

Individual Coaching

w/ email check-ins: $100/ mo
w/ phone call check-ins: $125/mo

Are you ready to invest in living the life you desire right now? My individualized coaching program is custom-tailored to your needs, regularly re-calibrated to fit your life right then, and provides tons of ongoing, individual support. It includes:

  • A thorough assessment of your health needs and goals.

  • A unique, individualized program designed specifically for you.

  • Detailed, weekly, private check-ins during which we will:

    • Review your progress.

    • Recognize and celebrate your successes.

    • Problem solve challenges as they come up.

    • Update your goals regularly.

    • Pre-emptively discuss and plan for any obstacles you foresee in the upcoming week.

    • Dig deeper into the above. We work on mindset, lifestyle goals, and more to make sure that your goals match your desires and you have the support you need to stay motivated and successful.

  • Access to the support and resources found in my private Facebook community, including monthly workshops, group coaching, and a group of like-minded individuals who will share ideas and cheer you on.

She always has advice for adapting the plan to fit your lifestyle. She’s very good at adapting to your personal situation… at that moment in time.
— Emily G.
Heidi took time to get to know me and understand my goals so she could create a completely customized plan for me. It’s clear she truly cares about my success. No canned online plan can do that.
— Amanda L.
I can’t say enough good things about having Heidi by my side. My whole mindset on food is evolving into a healthy relationship. I am eating more food than I ever have while looking and feeling better than ever! She is always there to answer questions and give support.
— Beverly R.


  • What if I find that this isn’t a good fit for me, or if my circumstances change and I need to discontinue services?

    Because there is a learning curve and weight loss often requires some foundational work, I ask all of my clients to commit to the first 30 days and encourage them to try my methods for at least 90 days. If, after 30 days, you wish to discontinue services, you can cancel your services for the following month at any time.

  • Can I change which coaching option I want after I get started?

    Absolutely! Just let me know when you’re ready. I also ask thorough questions at intake to help clients choose a coaching model that will work well for them. If you would like to try changing things up, though, we absolutely can.

  • Does your plan require purchasing supplements or meal replacement drinks?

    While some of my clients choose to purchase foods such as protein powder, collagen peptides, or protein bars, none of these items are necessary! I’ll help you meet your goals while eating foods that you like.

  • Is this some sort of elimination diet? What foods are off-limits?

    Are you ready for this? Nothing is off-limits. I believe that long-term restriction is not sustainable AND it doesn’t help you live your best life. You’ll have goals for your food intake to help you meet your goals. I encourage my clients to have a slice of birthday cake at their kid's party, accept the drink their boss buys them, try the world-famous donuts on their vacation, etc. My methods are all about building sustainable habits that will help you improve your health WHILE enjoying life.

  • How long does this take?

    There is no cookie-cutter plan. I recognize that every individual’s body and circumstances are unique, and I tailor each person’s coaching accordingly. We will monitor your progress and pay attention to the biofeedback your body gives us to decide what steps to take next and how long to take them.

  • What is the process of working with you like?

    I have a detailed social media post about this! Click here to read it.

  • What if I’m not sure which coaching option would best suit my needs?

    Click one of the buttons to let me know you’d like to get started, and we’ll talk through it together. If you try one coaching option and decide you’d like to switch to another later on, that’s okay.

Not ready or unable to commit to one of the above right now? That’s okay! My FREE weekly newsletter contains valuable tips, meal prep guides, and more. You’ll get my e-book, “Becoming an intuitive eater,” which outlines the ten principles of intuitive eating just for signing up!